​​​​​Palliative Care Massage Training

There will be touch therapists who specialize in massage for people with cancer; specialists like this are needed. However, every therapists needs to be trained to confidently and carefully minister to people with a history of cancer. All massage therapists will encounter clients who have been through cancer treatment and require adjustments. People with a history of cancer treatment receive massage in the same places as others - ----- with private practitioners, at spas, and through employer seated massage programs. Practitioners cannot avoid working with clients affected by cancer; the numbers are too great. In light of this, all touch therapists must have a fundamental understanding of how to administer bodywork to people with a history of cancer, even those practitioners who “just do relaxation massage”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gayle MacDonald MS, LMT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Medicine Hands 3rd Edition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Massage Therapy for People with Cancer


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Palliative Care Massage Training

in Melbourne


Welcome to Palliative Care Massage Training, a group that specializes in      providing quality training for therapists who wish to work with clients who are  living with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses. 

Our Mission

 To bridge the educational gap, so that therapists can be confident in providing appropriate and safe massage therapy at all stages of life, and during all phases of medical treatment.

Our Vision

Is to minimise the suffering and improve the quality of life of palliative patients, by providing support for therapists through training and mentoring initiatives.

Our facilitators are recognised as Education Providers & Preferred Practitioners of massage by the Society for Oncology Massage (S4OM) and they possess the knowledge, skills and experience to offer Oncology Massage as well as Palliative Care massage. All facilitators currently work in the Palliative Care sector as well as private practice.

Our 3-Day Intensive in Oncology Massage course is recognised by the Society for Oncology Massage, Australian Association of Massage Therapists, and is highly recommended for massage therapists who wish to expand their skills and knowledge to care for clients who have been diagnosed with cancer. 

We invite you to view our courses and training schedule, evaluate these skills and how they will enhance your role as a therapist. 

Contact us to discuss your educational needs further.